Whatever You Need, Our Driers Will Do The Job
Solarkilns is a forward looking company commited to setting the standard for best practive in the sawmill machinery timber drying industry
Sed pharetra mauris eros, vitae luctus metus ultrices eu. Mauris tempor varius neque, eu auctor tortor dapibus sit amet. Duis mollis sodales sem. Quisque mi ex, aliquam id eleifend vel, aliquet nec enim. Quisque velit turpis, fermentum eget nisl at, volutpat maximus arcu. Suspendisse odio dolor, commodo at pretium a, consequat nec tortor. Donec cursus lacus quis nibh imperdiet, quis varius sem ornare. Maecenas nec dapibus lorem. Aliquam consequat orci sed blandit fermentum. Nam ac dolor porttitor, laoreet ipsum a, aliquet risus. Cras scelerisque urna eu ullamcorper cursus.
In euismod rutrum justo ut ornare. Nullam viverra metus enim, eu faucibus eros pellentesque id. Vivamus congue augue et velit ullamcorper, id pretium nunc rhoncus. Maecenas cursus tortor at mi egestas, ac accumsan turpis accumsan. Nam id venenatis enim. Nullam condimentum nibh a venenatis lobortis. Donec eget volutpat metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam ultricies, lacus eu ornare convallis, ante tellus porta nisl, sed commodo arcu arcu et ligula. Ut ornare lorem et ex sagittis, suscipit maximus massa imperdiet. Etiam placerat tincidunt sodales.
Our Numbers
Maecenas vel pellentesque massa, vitae sollicitudin tortor. Integer eu egestas nulla, eget consectetur ex. Fusce malesuada neque a arcu luctus, id fringilla massa molestie.
Implemented projects for the introduction of solar energy
Proin non consequat ligula. Curabitur placerat tincidunt nunc eu ultrices.
Implemented projects for the introduction of wind energy
Maecenas elementum leo ante, quis auctor est vehicula eget accumsan.
Consultations on the introduction of wind energy
Mauris placerat, odio sed lacinia tincidunt, nulla libero ullamcorper arcu, sed vestibulum.
Consultations on the introduction of hydropower
Nulla porttitor nisi lorem, vitae pharetra velit posuere in. Vivamus in ligula elit.
Our Investors
Maecenas vel pellentesque massa, vitae sollicitudin tortor. Integer eu egestas nulla, eget consectetur ex. Fusce malesuada neque a arcu luctus, id fringilla massa molestie.
Client Testimonials
Maecenas vel pellentesque massa, vitae sollicitudin tortor. Integer eu egestas nulla, eget consectetur ex. Fusce malesuada neque a arcu luctus, id fringilla massa molestie.
We would like to extend our appreciation for supplying us with an excellent product and a level of service well beyond our expectations.
As a producer of 100% reclaimed Teak products approved by the Forestry Stewardship Council, your Solarkiln technology has provided a very effective and environmentally responsible solution for our manufacturing operation in Indonesia. The system achieves a per unit running cost second to no other conventional kiln we have seen. This made it the clear choice according to our environmental and financial objectives.
To maximise the use of our resources, our operation also requires we have very little timber wasteage. Where degraded stock can be prevalent with less sophisticated conventional drying schedules, the Solarkiln’s advanced cyclic drying system has proven to be a success. The quality of drying has been exceptional.
We would also like to express our gratitude for passing on a wealth of knowledge and information. Combined with very cleverly automated system, your direction has given the very least experienced of operators the ability to achieve excellent drying outcomes. The remote support has been very successful and your invaluable input has ensured we are realising the full extent of this technology and will continue to do so in the future.
Congratulations on an outstanding product!
Harvest the wind, water & sun for your energy needs
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc in eleifend nunc. Etiam fringilla erat eget molestie scelerisque. Nullam lobortis justo lorem, non faucibus dolor molestie sit amet.